First-gen students, alumni connect in mentorship program

The new Accelerator Scholars Program in the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business connects first-generation Dyson and Nolan freshmen and sophomores with student and industry mentors.

Students from 29 campuses join forces for health hackathon

Teams addressed the weekend’s patient safety challenges related to medication, patient care, procedures/surgery, infection and diagnostic error.

Around Cornell

Promoting thank-you gifts can boost charitable donations

Researchers from the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business found that for some charitable donors, the extra incentive of a gift is an important lever for opening pocketbooks, and advertising it prominently can help charities increase giving.

Many firms prefer ready-made AI software, with a few tweaks

Many firms are opting for ready-made AI technology that can be tailored to the specific needs of the firm, according to a research team that included Chris Forman, professor in the Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management.

Unraveling the pursuit of entrepreneurship in the fashion industry

New research from Cornell SC Johnson College of Business unravels the organizational and social dynamics influencing entrepreneurship in the fashion industry.

Around Cornell

Stand by your group: Loyalty can blur ethics line

Calling for loyalty to a group, rather than to an individual, was more effective in eliciting followers’ compliance with unethical requests, Johnson School researcher Angus Hildreth found.

Cornell Bhangra to unite community with ‘intoxicating joy’

The long-standing student dance group – committed to spreading the joys of Punjabi culture and dance – invites the Cornell and Ithaca community to its annual Bhangra showcase, the 21st PAO Bhangra, on March 16.

Former CEO of BET shares her struggles, successes

Debra Lee, former CEO of Black Entertainment Television, spoke to the Cornell community Feb. 20 about her journey from growing up in the segregated South to shattering glass ceilings while becoming one of the most powerful businesspeople in America.

International moves can pay off for venture-backed startups

Very few venture-backed startups move from their original location to a new country, but those that do benefit financially, according to new research.