Scientific computing training available online

Cornell’s Scientific Computing Training Series will resume on Oct. 4; the Zoom-based training is available for free to faculty, students and staff at Cornell, Weill Cornell Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar and Cornell Tech.  

Around Cornell

When robots imitate life: Project explores better way to train AI

Using a new strategy called superhuman imitation learning, Sanjiban Choudhury, assistant professor of computer science, aims to train home robots more efficiently.

Around Cornell

Faculty offered guidance for teaching in the age of ChatGPT

A university committee has released recommendations for how faculty can take generative artificial intelligence into account when considering learning objectives for their students.

NIH funds cross-campus effort to train experts in AI and nutrition

The $1.7 million grant will help scientists with expertise in artificial intelligence and machine learning to address complex biomedical challenges in nutrition and health.

Entrepreneurial students pack eHub Collegetown for kickoff event

Cornell was recently ranked by Crunchbase as the No. 5 top school in the country for producing entrepreneurs who have raised capital.

Around Cornell

11 new faculty to join Bowers CIS

The new additions have expertise in a broad range of computing and information science fields and will shape the next generation of tech leaders and innovators.

Around Cornell

Bazarova to support big-data research and data security as associate vice provost

During a one-year appointment as an associate vice provost in the Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation, Natalie Bazarova will support research in the social sciences and other disciplines that rely on large data sets.

Around Cornell

‘Smart’ glasses skew power balance with nonwearers

Someone wearing augmented reality, or “smart,” glasses could be Googling your face, turning you into a cat or recording your conversation – and that creates a major power imbalance with the nonwearer, Cornell researchers have found.

CALS offers new interdisciplinary minor in digital agriculture

Students can now choose a new minor in digital agriculture, a multidisciplinary field focused on food and agriculture production systems, but with an increasingly broader span of applications and interests.

Around Cornell